Stampede Travel Softball
MBSA offers a competitive travel softball program for age levels 9U-18U.

Travel Softball
- 9U - 3rd grade
- 10U - 4th grade
- 11U - 5th grade
- 12U - 6th grade
- 13U - 7th grade
- 14U - 8th grade
- 15U- 9th grade
- 16U- 10th grade
- 17U- 11th grade
- 18U- 12th grade
Tryouts will be held annually in July for ages 9U-18U.
Winter indoor practice are held at an indoor facility.
Regular season practices are held at the MBSA Complex.
Games and tournaments locations vary.
Indoor practices will take place starting the first week of December and run through the beginning of April, 1 to 2 days per week. There will be a 2 week break for Christmas and New Years.
We plan to play at least one indoor tournament in winter, location TBD.
During the spring/summer season, practice can vary between 1-2 times per week.
How many games will they play? What days of the week?
Example: Teams will play 20-30 games over the course of the season and will usually fall on the weekends.
Jerseys are included in the registration fees for each season.
Extra Costs
Tournament fees are included in the registration fees for each season.
Players are responsible for paying their traveling fees to away games/tournaments which may consist of food, gas, and hotels.
Frequently Asked Questions
What uniform and/or gear are included in the registration fees for each player?
Players will receive a pair of socks, helmet, fall jersey, 2 spring/summer jerseys, visor, bag (every 2 years), and pants.